Mixed Reality for Design and FEA

posted on 16 Jun 2021 by jeannie

MR for design engineers to visualise normally unforeseen forces and interactions of parts assembly and/or structural analysis.


Most of the engineering design and finite element analysis (FEA) or stress analysis is first conducted on a two-dimensional screen with computer-aided design (CAD) software, and the parts are then manufactured to assemble the prototype. Often times, the prototype reveals deficiencies not previously anticipated due to the lack of a realistic representation of the entire assembly in its designated actual site - that is sorely lacking in a 2D CAD software visualization.

The aim is to utilize mixed reality, through the use of Microsoft Hololens, to aid design engineers in testing out their designs and assemblies to ensure feasibility. The project involves the development and creation of a 3D mixed reality user interface for visualization of mechanical parts assembly and/or structural analysis, stress and forces on mechanical parts. This project is a collaboration with HOPE Technik and HelloHolo.




Poh, E., Liong, K., Lee, J. (2022), “Mixed Reality for Mechanical Design and Assembly Planning”, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2022 (Accepted)

Poh, E., Tan, A. Balachandran, V., Lee, J., Liong, K. (2021). Designing with Holograms – A Preliminary Study On Improving Design Visualisation Through Holographic Display. In NewRIIS Research Conference (NewRIIS 2021), August 2021, Virtual Conference.

Poh, E., Liong, K., Lee, J. (2021), “Mixed Reality Interface for Load Application in Finite Element Analysis”, Innovations in Social Computing and Digital Transformation, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2021 4: 513

Singapore Airshow 2022

“Interdisciplinary team comprising SIT faculty and industry partners HOPE Technik and HelloHolo debuted a mixed reality application for design engineering and finite element analysis at Singapore Airshow 2022.”

Further details on this SIT Newsroom article


This work was funded by an Ignition Grant from the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).